Post-Op Day 60, Introduction of the Saddle

Last night I took Will for a walk with his saddle on. He didn’t seem to have an opinion about it one way or another. I want him to get used to the extra weight of the saddle before I get on him later this week. I can hardly believe I get to start riding again. Granted we’ll be going very slowly but it will feel so good to get those breeches and boots back on!

Looking pretty dorky in his gear!!!

4 responses to “Post-Op Day 60, Introduction of the Saddle

  1. The flymask pulls the whole look together!

  2. The fly mask pulls it all together!

  3. would love to follow your blog and keep up with will but you have no place to do it…so sorry about your ordeal…i kept backtracking to see what had happened to the leg…

    • Thanks for reading my silly blog! My blog is a wordpress blog so I’m not sure you can “follow” like you can with eblogger. If you know of a way, please let me know! You might be able to “follow” through an rss feed like google reader.

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