Monthly Archives: November 2010


The Stable has been featured in a list of 50 Horse and  Equestrian Blogs on Veterinarian Technician’s blog .

45. The Stable : Those show horses will appreciate and relate to this blog where the writer chronicles her shows and daily activities with horses.

COOLIO!! And we’re in such good company!

13. Spotty Horse : This blog will reel you in because it’s clearly written by a true horse lover and natural rider who isn’t afraid to ask readers for help when she needs it.



Willoughby had dental work done earlier this week. He was overdue but we wanted to wait awhile post-surgery before subjecting him to any more treatments! He had some points and ulcers on his cheeks. Dr. Lisa filed them down, so he should be much happier now. And hopefully he’ll squeak less too.


And we’re cantering!

Mr. Will got the stamp of the approval from Dr. Lisa so we’re cantering!! He’s pretty weak behind though, so his canter feels very small.

Last Friday, Ellen cam over to give us a half lesson. It was very exciting. She helped us with the canter and gave us an exercise that will help to encourage him to take bigger steps behind. We canter for a few strides and wind in to the trot. By doing this, he has to reach and take bigger steps with his hind legs. It’s also a good for controlling him since he has lots of energy right now!  As our lesson progressed and we started doing more movements, Willoughby became more excited. It was really cute and made me happy to see and feel that he really enjoys his job. It’s great to be back!

Crossing Fingers for Cantering

Dr. Lisa Wallace is coming out this Saturday to checkout Mr. Willoughby. Specifically, she’s going to be inspecting his abdominal wall to make sure it’s stronger. Last month there were still some weak spots that you could feel with your finger. We’re in our fourth week of trotting (now up to 20 minutes of trot) and I’m really hoping we get the green light to start cantering next week. I’m crossing my fingers!!!


Post-Op, 5 Months

Dirty Pony!

Excuse the blurry photo! This is Will at 5 months post-op. He’s starting to lose his hay belly and the swelling around his scar is slowing becoming more and more unnoticeable. We’re trotting for 15 minutes in a 35 minute work out. He’s working up a sweat and I’m getting my seat back!

It’s incredible to feel him get stronger with each ride. When I first started trotting three weeks ago, he would occasionally trip or misstep. The first week it felt like I was riding a german shepherd with hip dysplasia, he was so weak behind! During his second week of trotting, i felt the swing in his trot again. The third week, I felt power! A couple of nights ago, I introduced a bit of shoulder-in. Going to the left, it felt okay. Then I went to the right and he gave me an upper-level shoulder-in. It was the best feeling ever. My pony is back!